Thursday 14 July 2011

Unusual Insurance Claims

Mr Fairclough was driving home from Christmas shopping when, on a bend, a car coming the other way had a huge Christmas tree badly tied to the roof. "He was driving too fast and I saw the tree lift off and it flew straight at me. The trunk created an awesome dent in my bonnet and caused me to run off the road and into a hedge." Mr Fairclough added: "The chap did not stop and he never came back for his tree so the Police said we could also have it. It wasn't funny at the time, but looking back it was like a comedy sketch!"


A cat ran across the road and Mrs Carr did an emergency stop. Our claims handler explains: "As she stopped a Transit van hit her from behind and she thought she had run the cat over. She told me there was a terrible crash that did an awful lot of harm to the back. The van driver got out but didn't believe the story concerning the cat until amazingly, it ran out from under the automobile and disappeared still with eight lives left!"


That's just what our claims handler thought when Mr Carlton stated he was driving household from the pub with a buddy and passing under the by-pass a sheep landed on the bonnet of the vehicle. "It had come from a lorry that had overturned on the by-pass and in fright it jumped over the parapet," Mr Carlton told her. He also kept telling her he hadn't been drinking! The automobile was a write-off, but Mr Carlton did not say what happened to the sheep!


Miss Pownall, a nurse, was on her solution to function when a magpie flew in front of her. Says the claims specialist who took the call: "She started telling me concerning the saying about magpies you know, 'one for sorrow, two for joy' and wondered exactly where this was going! But she explained that saw one and was looking out for the second and promptly ran into the back of the automobile in front. She did not say no matter if she ever did see the second magpie, so perhaps there is some truth in the old story!"


Mr Woodford was involved in a several accident in 'sleety snow' on the M62. "I was in the middle of about a dozen vehicles and my car was bashed front and rear," he told the AA. "The vehicles all crunched up like a concertina. Though we waited the chap from the vehicle in front took out, of all items, a concertina! He was supposed to be playing at a carol concert so he started playing Christmas carols for us rather!"


Mr McGuinness was following his son who was about to trade in his automobile for a new 1. He made an emergency quit and regrettably Mr McGuinness ran into the back of his son's auto. "I caused a great deal of damage," he told our claims handler ruefully. "It meant the part exchange deal was off and my son couldn't obtain the vehicle he wanted right after all. I wasn't pretty common."


This story truly did raise a smile. Miss Simpson discovered two into one will not go the challenging way at her neighborhood Asda automobile park. She told our incredulous call handler who ended up laughing with our customer who could see the funny side: "We both went into a space at the very same time and got jammed against the vehicles on either side. We were stuck fast and couldn't open the doors as well as the fire brigade had to rescue us. It was pretty embarrassing we had about a hundred individuals laughing at us."

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